About us

Our Story

Werkado’s story began in 2008, when a wholesale company was founded in Estonia, whose home market was the Baltic states. Today we have 15 years’ experience in selling hand tools and 9 years’ experience in selling personal protective equipment. In recent years, power tools have been added to our product range and the range of services we offer has also expanded.

The Werkado team today has 20 members and offices in Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius, with a central warehouse in Loo, Estonia. We are strongly represented in the Baltic States through local sales representatives in all three Baltic countries, and we can say with confidence that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are our home markets. In the Baltics, we deliver goods to the customer within 24 hours.

Our Mission

Werkado’s mission is to lead the way and promote sustainability in the field of tools and personal protective equipment.

In our activities, we are guided by four core values that accompany our daily work processes and choices:

  • People
  • Sustainability
  • Innovation
  • Trust


A high-quality and sustainable product is only half of Werkado’s value proposition. People are the ones who give face, essence and add value to our organisation.

The Werkado team, or as we prefer to call ourselves – our tribe, and our clients are passionate professionals and DIY enthusiasts – without them Werkado would not exist.


Society today produces far too much garbage. Unfortunately, it is also quite common in the field of tools and personal protective equipment.

At Werkado, we are committed to ensuring that people recognize quality and make environmentally conscious choices.

The right tool lasts for long, it is well thought-out and helps to successfully complete the work undertaken. The hand tool works using natural energy and thus contributes to the development of human manual skills.


Innovation in the world of tools is created by the best professionals of industry – if the market consisted of cheap imitators only, then there would be no progress. On the other hand, ever-changing technology, and new materials as well as the growing expectations of people, demand new approaches. Werkado can create value here by offering its customers products and solutions that they have not asked for yet, exceeding the expectations. As an industry leader in our region, we keep our customers informed about innovative products and solutions, ensuring a competitive advantage for our cooperation partners. The transfer and re-use of experience, skills that have been tried out and tested over time are also of key importance in our view.

Moreover, we ourselves create innovation by offering new services and product categories as well as by automating business processes and service processes.


The trust circle of Werkado consists of the customer, the Werkado team and the manufacturer. The manufacturer may have a good product, but in most cases the interests and capabilities of the manufacturer do not match the wishes of the end user. Besides, information about a suitable product does not reach the right end users through a huge flow of information. This is where Werkado comes into play, who may help both customers and manufacturers to resolve this situation.

To keep the trust of customers, Werkado must offer a curated assortment, novel but tried out and tested solutions and keep its promises. To keep the trust of the manufacturer, Werkado must cultivate brand recognition and find the right customers.

Werkado’s vision

Thanks to the long-term customers who trust our team, Werkado is the largest and most influential provider of high-quality tools and personal protective equipment in its region. The Werkado team does meaningful and satisfying work that influences people’s choices in a positive direction. It is with our help that long-lasting and well-designed tools have become the standard.