ToolCare ToolCare ENG Please fill the form to apply for ToolCare service. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Choose type(Required)CompanyPrivate personCompany name(Required) Company Reg. nr.(Required) Details of the ToolCare caseChoose a brand of product(Required)KaproBahcoScangripBoschOtherFill item model or EAN code:(Required) Choose a type of request(Required)Warranty case, Non-warranty repair, Not sureNot sureNon-warranty repairWarranty caseDescribe the problem as detailed as possible.Attach the photos of the product (damage/problem) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB. Attach the proof of purchase(Required)Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.Pick-up preferencesHow would you like to deliver product to ToolCare?(Required)CourierDPD parcel lockerLocation or address of suitable parcel locker:(Required) Pick-up address:(Required) Name First and last Phone(Required)Use same info for delivery?(Required) Yes No, use different address or contact info Delivery preferencesHow would you like to receive product from ToolCare?(Required)CourierDPD parcel lockerLocation or address of suitable parcel locker:(Required) Delivery address:(Required) Name First and last Phone(Required)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.